Happy October! The purpose of this month’s post is to serve as a single source for some useful online tools to help simplify some of life’s financial decisions. We have not revisited this topic in a while.
For more financial resources from ASDA, visit ASDAnet.org for our “Paying for Dental School” page. You’ll find everything from a Debt 101 Guide to scholarship and grants listing. You can always check out the Money Monday archives as well!
- Sofi.com : This is a great site where you can easily see what you could save by re-financing your student loans. While Sofi is one company that refinances student loans, there are also others to consider as well.
- Truecar.com: If you are thinking about buying a car, use this site first to see what other people have ACTUALLY paid for the same car you are considering.
- Hud.gov This is a good resource if you are thinking of buying a home. You will find some great tips and articles about mortgages, foreclosure and more.
- 360financialliteracy.org: This is a great website that covers a WIDE array of topics, from tax and debt calculators to budgeting and saving for retirement.
- Annualcreditreport.com You can access one free credit report each year from each of three different services. Use this site to access your reports about once every four months.
If you have some of your own tried and true resources, comment and add to our list!
~Megan Mathers, J.D., Mathers Law
Free tool that can connect to your online financial accounts (student loans, 401k, stocks, mortgage, standard banking accounts). It then gives you a fantastic “big picture” idea of where your money is going (you can set up categories for your spending), what your total debt amounts are, and set monthly budgets.
Another free tool that focuses more on the debt side of things. It will give you weekly credit scores and show you what aspects of your financial history are helping or hindering your credit rating.
I have only been in practice for a little over a year, but I have been using these two tools for almost two years now they have been immensely helpful in getting my finances and credit in order. They are totally free and do not require you to put in a credit card like some websites do. Their revenue comes from offering advertisements for investment accounts and credit cards in different areas of their websites, but they have never been intrusive.