When dental school ends, your continuing education (CE) journey begins. The importance of CE is hard to overstate: It’s one of the only ways dentists continue to learn the latest technology, trends and techniques in the field.
The fundamentals of HR in dental practice
Few things are as professionally rewarding as opening your own practice. Leading a team. Seeing your branding vision come to life. Your name on the sign. But the process isn’t all enjoyable. It comes with some challenging questions: How many employees do I need? How do I find a good employee? And, once they’re in place, how do I keep them?
Staying mentally well while navigating your professional journey
Dr. Tyler Fix graduated dental school in 2017 and practices at PureCare Dental in Bend, Oregon. Dr. Fix has a career he loves but learned the hard way that the path to professional fulfillment can come with unexpected twists and turns.