One of the major hurdles to dental school is the DAT. This comprehensive exam requires the understanding of seemingly countless concepts and facts from various disciplines. A simple strategy involving visual cues can help predental students retain more information through a helpful approach known as the Roman Room. The name derives from Roman times when it was necessary to recite long poems, speeches, lists and numbers. This memorization technique leverages the association of visual imagery and organization. It is primarily effective for the retention of important information.
Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping journey
Many of us know someone who has undergone jaw surgery. However, most people question their motives. To the general population, orthognathic surgery can be seen as a cosmetic procedure done to satisfy our vanity. The truth is that the majority of orthognathic patients seek treatment due to an inability to properly chew food, speak or smile. The physical, psychological and physiological turmoil takes a major toll on the patients’ quality of life.