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You’re a D4 or D3
… heck, maybe you’re a D2 or D1
…Any way you slice it, if you’re anything like me as a student, what comes next
is the million dollar question.
If you read our last blog…you already know CRUSH is an acronym for THE top 5 Strategies every successful new dentist embraces. If not, and you need some zen pre sleep material CLICK HERE
In that opening blog, we talked employee and associate. This time we’ll hit partner and purchase.
Partnerships in dentistry can be amazing. They can also be a disaster. The one CRUSH factor you MUST HAVE in any partnership, is The R factor. Relationships win! And when I say relationship, I DON’T mean family…friends…or anyone you’ve known for years. Those things are wonderful in your personal life. They’re not, however, predictable for your partnership success. What I DO mean is that you’ve spent considerable time talking vision, mission and philosophy with anyone you might practice with before you say yes.
Whether you’re right out of school or 10 years deep, at some point most of you will want to purchase and own your practice. My thoughts…YES! You’ve worked way too hard to be an employee or associate forever… and there are too many benefits of owning your own practice to ignore this option.
In today’s world…you DON’T have to work full time to own. From autonomy, to lifestyle, to earning potential, THIS IS the ultimate option.
The question isn’t should you purchase…it’s when?
The one CRUSH factor you need…H…hone your team. A great transitions specialist, accountant, attorney…all keys to your success. Build the right team around you and you’re off to an incredible start.
~Dr. David Rice, founder, igniteDDS