The cost of dental education has never been higher. The ADA Foundation—the 501c3 charitable arm of the American Dental Association—is proud to be able to offer scholarships to students pursuing a career in dentistry, and also funding for dental student-run programs.
Supporting underserved populations in Detroit
Detroit is a bustling, rapidly growing city, home to students, young professionals, athletes and a variety of businesses. Unfortunately, it is also home to communities that may be struggling to make ends meet, putting their health care needs on the backburner due to high treatment costs and lack of access. The more I witnessed this dilemma, the more I wanted help give these individuals the care that they normally could not afford.
Building leadership and service into your dental education
In a world where success or failure is measured in fractions of a millimeter, it can be daunting for dental students to extend themselves beyond their curriculum. Despite the academic rigor and physical demands of dentistry, dental school is an important time to become involved in the community and grow as a leader.
Leadership after graduation
In April 2012, I emptied my class locker, turned in my required department signatures and stood in line with half a dozen classmates to terminate clinic privileges as a graduating dental student. Maybe I was expecting confetti or balloons. A parade for all of us seemed appropriate. But instead, there was just some paperwork to be completed and the return of my student ID and ASDA office key.
Five reasons volunteering is good for you and your community
Think you don’t have time to squeeze volunteering into your busy schedule? Think again. Here are five reasons volunteering your skills can help you in the long run.
Give Kids A Smile 2017: Four things to know
Are you excited for Give Kids A Smile? It’s a signature program of the American Dental Association Foundation. This year’s kickoff is February 3, and a number of dental schools will host events. If you’re participating, here are four things you should know!
Sign up for Give Kids a Smile 2017
On a cold Friday this past February, when I was a second year dental student, I passed through the school atrium and saw student doctors dressed up as tooth fairies and playing games like Wheel of Dentistry. There were countless kids having their faces painted and laughing through a magic show while eagerly awaiting their dental visits. It was Give Kids A Smile Day at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine (RSDM).