In my last ASDA Blog post, I discussed the importance of question-asking by dental students as they hunted for jobs, and received an overwhelming response. As a result, I have prepared a list of key questions to ask during job interviews.
Questions to ask when looking for a job
Dental students of all ages and from every school have at least one thing in common: They know they want to work as dentists. What many don’t know, however, is where they want to work or if they’re making the right decisions as they shop around for career options.
Know your DSO: it could make a difference in your career
Crushing student loan debt. First-job jitters. Worries about clinical performance. Just some of the concerns that weigh on today’s dental school grads. And, the reason why so many are choosing a large group practice over private practice.
In the past, dental service organizations (DSOs) were viewed very differently than they are today. The word is getting out. DSOs are not only shaking up the world of dentistry, they can be the best way to realize your career goals.