With the rising costs of dental school and education, getting student loans are a common reality for many dental students. It is important to understand the terminology that will allow for better communication between you and your lender, especially before signing the promissory note. Additionally, this knowledge will help you effectively advocate for initiatives at the local, state and national levels that alleviate the student debt burden.
Check, checkmate: How dentistry is just like a game of chess
Ever since I was five, Friday evenings were designated as board game night with my family. Games were an integral part of my mother’s early days and she wished to fill my childhood with the ones that contributed most to her life.
She tells me that of all the games I learned, I insisted on playing chess more often and we kept playing until I started winning. As a child, little did I know the impact this game would have on my life. It’s only now that I realize how it has shaped me and my life as a dentist.
Wellness DIY: Homebrew your own kombucha
By the name you might think it’s some sort of exotic fruit or an impossible yoga move. In fact, kombucha not only has a fruity taste, but can also be as beneficial as yoga. This specialty drink found at most health food stores has been said to help digestive health, mental clarity and mood stability. Made from a base of black tea and sugar, this drink can cost you up to $5 a bottle. On a dental student budget, finding alternatives to store-bought kombucha are a must for this latest drink craze.
Networking at 30,000 feet
Last weekend, I was flying home for a quick visit. I landed an aisle seat with an empty middle seat. As I usually do when flying, I put my earbuds in, turned my music up and closed myself off for the three-hour ride. Two hours in, after finishing the latest issue of ASDA News, I laid it in the middle seat and checked on the time. I noticed my row mate glancing down on the middle seat, once then twice. I could sense his curiosity and hesitation to ask me about what I was reading. Now I’m not one of those passengers to strike up conversations with strangers, but in this case I removed my earbuds and asked if he would like to see the issue. What followed was an hour-long conversation about my experiences in dental school and what ASDA was all about. This inflight experience made me wonder, “What’s the value in striking a conversation with your fellow airline passengers?”
Tips on dressing for ASDA’s Annual Session 2015 in Boston
Coming to Boston for the first time for ASDA Annual Session 2015? Never experienced a New England winter before? You are probably wondering what to expect!
Boston is an awesome city with so many historical sites, touristy attractions, and local eateries worth checking out. We have compiled a list of tips submitted by Boston dental students.
Future dentists head to Boston for ASDA’s Annual Session in February
As you may already know, this blog is run by the American Student Dental Association. A little history lesson: ASDA is the largest student-run organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the rights, interests and welfare of dental students like you. Currently, there are 20,000+ dental student members and 1,800+ predental members. Each year, ASDA holds a national meeting called Annual Session. 2015 will mark ASDA’s 45th Annual Session!
If you are interested in networking with other future dentists, learning about professional issues and getting involved in organized dentistry, sign up to attend ASDA’s Annual Session at the Westin Boston Waterfront, Feb. 18-21, 2015.
Setting anatomical teeth
Upon completion of your first anatomical tooth set up, after the hours of pain and strife, and the multitudes of faculty checks, you end up with an acceptable set up. It is not until you build up the courage to practice again, and are dumbfounded at the idea (and proof) that a person can become worse at a task they supposedly mastered.