Improving oral hygiene and dental care access for elderly adults

The 2014 U.S. Census estimated 63.7 million adults 65 years and older will be living in the United States by 2050. Elderly adults are now more likely to keep their teeth, live independently and demand better care. However, they are also more likely to have xerostomia, physical or cognitive impairments and other comorbidities.

What is your chapter doing for the community? Let ASDA help!

Alabama ASDA back to school fair As you may know, ASDA chapters across the nation have been doing amazing work to improve the oral health of individuals within their communities. Did you know that ASDA has a national grant opportunity to support these initiatives? Dentistry in the Community Chapter Grant applications are being accepted until January 9, 2017. Up to five grants of $500 each will be awarded for 2017.

Below is a snapshot of the incredible work done by the 2016 chapter grantees.* Congratulations to these chapters and to everyone who participated! Your efforts in improving oral health literacy and oral hygiene practices will have a lasting impact for years to come.