Equal education opportunities for pregnant and parenting students

The first test I took in dental school was a pregnancy test.

I spent the first two semesters pregnant and gave birth to my daughter during finals week in the spring of 2020. While my classmates took a physiology final, I was in a labor and delivery room.

I planned my maternity leave based on the parental leave policy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. However, not all schools have a parental leave policy. Without a clear policy, soon-to-be parents don’t know how to proceed.

To continue their studies, students will need to adjust how, when or where they complete their academic work during the perinatal and postpartum period.

The fundamentals of HR in dental practice

Few things are as professionally rewarding as opening your own practice. Leading a team. Seeing your branding vision come to life. Your name on the sign. But the process isn’t all enjoyable. It comes with some challenging questions: How many employees do I need? How do I find a good employee? And, once they’re in place, how do I keep them?

Gold Crown Award nominees for best Contour articles and blog post

Each year, ASDA publishes nearly 300 articles in Contour magazine and ASDA Blog combined — planned and written by dental students. Each piece of student-written content can be considered for a Gold Crown Award in the media category, which honors excellence in chapter publications, social media and websites, and outstanding contributions to ASDA national publications.

Five ways traveling boosts intellectual wellness

When you think of going on vacation, you probably imagine yourself lying in the sand on your favorite beach, sipping piña coladas and listening to Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville.” Perhaps you enjoy driving out to the mountains and taking in the lush scenery, while trying to capture the perfect Instagram pic. While these experiences can be fun and exciting, there’s more to traveling than meets the eye.