Engage, ASDA’s advocacy action alert system, keeps members informed about key issues affecting dentistry and allows ASDA members to advocate for the profession by voicing their position to their legislators. ASDA Speaker of the House Ryan Twaddle says, “When our days are packed with studying, exams and clinic, [it’s easy] to think the end goal is graduation. However, lawmakers are continuously creating policies that you must follow after graduation.”
Breaking down barriers for improved oral health
In April, more than 380 dental students from across the country united in Washington. Students met with legislators and lobbied for the Action for Dental Health Act. H.R. 539 is a bipartisan supported bill introduced to Congress by Representative Robin Kelly from Illinois. If passed, the bill would allow nonprofit organizations to qualify for oral health grants administered by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). These grants could be used to support several programs outlined within the ADA Action for Dental Health initiative.
You can refinance your home, so why not your student debt?
You may have heard recent buzz over newly proposed legislation that would allow students and former students to refinance their student loans. But what does this really mean to you?
The proposed law would attempt to afford students who have already taken out student loans at fixed rates to refinance these loans. Essentially what this would allow student to do is take advantage of the current lower interest rates that apply to new student loans. Keep reading to find out more and to learn how you can tell your lawmakers this is a good idea.
ASDA spends a couple days on the hill
Just one week before Washington D.C.’s cherry blossoms reached peak bloom, 375 members of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) gathered on April 7th and 8th to lobby legislators on Capitol Hill. Every year, National Dental Student Lobby Day focuses on legislation that affects dental students.
10 ways ASDA made a difference in 2013
Happy New Year! Read on for 10 ways that ASDA made a difference in the lives of dental students this past year. Comment on this post and tell us what you’d like from ASDA in 2014.