The question of anesthesia always comes up when discussing the removal of wisdom teeth. Mine were extracted with the use of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide. Many patients select intravenous sedation or general anesthesia, despite the increased cost and risk. The power to remove pain is one of the greatest tools and practice builders offered to oral professionals. Altering consciousness has been an effective way to reduce patient discomfort since the 19th century. William Morton, an American dentist, used diethyl ether to successfully perform an extraction without pain. Advances in sedation and anesthesia have led to a standardized protocol for painless surgery. However, sedation utilized without proper medical history review and training can lead to tragic consequences. In October 2016, at the American Dental Association (ADA) annual meeting, Resolution 37 was passed. The resolution called for revisions to the safety regulations for providing anesthesia and sedation. The full resolution can be found in Appendix 1 of the Report of Reference Committee C: Dental Education, Science, and Related Matters.
Cheapskates taking dentistry into their own hands
Gone are the days of how-to books and manuals. Technology has given DIY (do it yourself)-driven people the option to ditch paper resources and utilize the power of the index finger to click, scroll, and select videos on websites like YouTube and Vimeo to learn how to accomplish certain tasks. Taking it a step further, some self-proclaimed home-based professionals believe they can save money here and there by doing repairs and fixes on their own instead of having trained professionals to solve the problem. True to the definition of “DIY”, Grant Hearn took home dental care to another level in TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates. Read more to see how he performed oral surgery on his wife…