Acquiring your dental license to practice can seem complicated, especially figuring out which exams you need to take. This article details initial licensure requirements and how those impact where dentists can practice.
Licensure compacts: A way to increase licensure portability
Where do you see yourself living in five years? How about 10 or 20 years? As a dentist, the answer to this question could be impacted by your ability to get licensed.
Dental licensing in 2020: Where are they now? Part 2
As discussed in a blog post earlier this week, 2020 grads faced challenges obtaining their dental licensure until ASDA stepped in to assist with this effort. Elizabeth Stapleton, a 2020 graduate in Virginia, shared, “The original plan for my licensure included a manikin exam with ADEX for prosthodontics and endodontics, and a live-patient exam for restorative and periodontics.”
Dental licensing in 2020: Where are they now?
In March 2020, many dental schools shut classroom and clinic doors. A deadly virus was circulating the globe, known as SARS-CoV-2, or more commonly referred to as COVID-19. With many clinics and testing centers closed, students were prevented from taking licensing exams. Additional barriers stood in the way of students in states that required a live-patient exam, or a live-patient component of the exam, that could not be fulfilled under a state of emergency.
Perspective on the Integrated National Dental Board Examination (INDBE)
The Integrated National Dental Board Examination (INDBE) was launched in August 2020 as an option for third- and fourth-year dental students to take on their pathway to dental licensure.
Non-patient-based exams and licensure during the pandemic
This time of the year usually signifies great celebration for graduating dental students across the country. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, graduation ceremonies look a lot different this year with virtual walks across the stage and celebrations at home in quarantine. How graduates will become licensed is different as well, and non-patient-based alternatives are now coming to the forefront.
Taking the licensure exam: A timeline
Each year, more than 6,000 dental students across the United States obtain dental licenses through a patient-based clinical licensure exam. As a dental student, I’ve learned all about what the test will entail: performing two fillings and a cleaning on a live patient, and then preparing a crown, bridge and an anterior root canal on plastic teeth. I’ve also learned about the controversies surrounding the exam.