Can you benefit from meal subscription boxes?

With Thanksgiving approaching, I cannot help but chuckle at how my family decided to plan our holiday meal last year. Instead of the traditional homemade turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, we ordered eight individual meals from Blue Apron. Initially, the idea was strange to me, but everyone thought it would be convenient, allowing us to save hours in the kitchen.

Stop snoozing: 6 ways to wake up on time

It’s Monday morning. You roll over in bed and hear the alarm clock going off. At 6 a.m., there is nothing you’d rather do more than hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. We all know how this story ends because we all have likely been there: You keep hitting “snooze” and then end up running late. Starting the mornings off on the wrong foot can affect your productivity all day. Here are six ways to help you get out of bed on time.

Meal hacks for the frugal dental student

You’ve been sitting in lectures or clinic for eight hours each day. Some days you don’t get a lunch because clinic runs late and there are pages of notes and treatment plans to finish before food is even in the equation. Instant ramen has become a mainstay or you find yourself buying cookies from the vending machine and spending two dollars on a soda for lunch. Do you, like so many of your classmates, feel that stress, a busy schedule and a tight budget negatively affect your eating habits?

Here are five meal-planning hacks to stay healthy and save money…

5 golden nuggets of D3 advice that are worth sharing

School is back in session! You know what that means? Another year of late night studying, junk food binges, red-eye lab sessions, and caffeine runs to Starbucks. Each year of dental school presents its own challenges, and it never gets easier. But that doesn’t mean you should be discouraged or stressed over it. I do not consider myself to be a seasoned dental student. However, I do feel there are a few nuggets of wisdom I’ve acquired over the past two years of dental school that are worth sharing. These nuggets of wisdom have proven to be of benefit not only to me, but also to a majority of my classmates. Here are Jay’s 5 Keys to Success in Dental School…

How your oral health changes everything you thought you knew about snacking

snacking-thumb It’s the first day of school and you’re already late. You quickly shower, change, grab a banana, and rush out the door. After class, you stop for coffee to help get you through the day. Next up is that dreaded orientation seminar during which you’ll be spending most of the time thinking about lunch: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, diet coke, and a bag of chips. Busy with classes and meetings, your first day is over and you finally head home. You relax, catch up with friends, and sit down for dinner. For dessert, you sneak in that slice of chocolate cake that your roommate knew you wouldn’t be able to resist. It’s the end of the night and you do some homework, brush your teeth, and go to bed. Everyone knows that snacking on sugary and processed foods is bad for your waistline. But what about the effects of an unhealthy diet on your oral health?

Frugal fun ways to unwind and redefine your off time

IMG_4286 Dental school can take up a lot of our time – more time than we think we have. Juggling tests, lab work, clinic rotations, and of course, studying, life can get really crazy, really fast. Just as we are encouraged to dedicate time to our studies and ensuring we give quality care to our patients, we, too, should dedicate time to our selves and ensure we take quality care of our wellbeing…