Lobby Day 2019: Highlights and next steps

More than 1,000 dental professionals visited our nation’s capital in April to advocate for the profession. The dental voice was loud and clear as attendees supported principles to alleviate the student debt burden, promoted the Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act and championed the repeal of the McCarran-Ferguson Act. Here are some highlights of the 2019 ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day, as well as action items on what you can do next.

Advocating during the August congressional recess

Lobby Day. Hundreds of dental students gathered in Washington, D.C. to meet with senators and representatives from their states. The goal: to lobby for dentists, patients and dental students on behalf of the profession. If you have attended Lobby Day, you know the thrill of scampering around the nation’s capitol.

For most students, this is not the case. Dental school is tough and time-consuming, which makes travel across the country difficult. But all is not lost when it comes to advocacy. Being in the nation’s capitol delivering your message is incredible, but not always feasible. One of the best places to meet with a member of Congress is in their respective district.

How to network like a lobbyist

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 4.12.21 PMProfessional lobbyists are paid influencers. Of course, networking is the cornerstone of lobbying. ASDA asked former ADA lobbyist Michael Brzica to speak at National Leadership Conference this past November. In case you missed the meeting, we had Michael distill some of his networking wisdom into four key points. Watch this video to glean networking tips from a professional lobbyist.