Why I quit med school for dentistry

Changing career paths from medicine to dentistry was the hardest decision of my life. Cultural and familial expectations made me pursue medicine. After some personal reflection, though, I realized that my heart, my convictions and my talents belong in a dental career.

Growing up, my family and culture stressed certain educational paths. My role models were the physicians in our family who encouraged me to follow in their footsteps. Our close bond and passion for the biological sciences pushed me, my twin brother and my cousin all toward medicine. All roads seemed implicitly to point to the medical field.

New sleep habits for the new year

Getting enough sleep is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of dental school. Between attending classes and studying for tests, working on your lab skills and seeing patients, it can be tough to find enough hours in the day to get ample sleep. While we’re all familiar with the many platitudes regarding ideal sleep schedules and the benefits of getting enough rest, it can be challenging to actually incorporate those guidelines into your everyday schedules. However, there’s no question that getting restful sleep is important. A 2002 study published in Neuron found that a full night’s worth of sleep is correlated with a 20% improvement in motor speed without loss of accuracy. Fortunately, given the many mobile technological advances available today, there are now numerous apps designed to help you achieve this.

Outdoor hobbies might just improve your dentistry

I love waking up to the smell of the crisp, mountain air. A gentle breeze rustles the trees. It’s a much-needed respite from the musty city air I’m used to. Most people can’t tell the difference until they have experienced it, but the contrast is unmistakable.

For me, backpacking is a great avenue to escape the stresses of dental school.

The benefits of intramural sports

Intramural sports Preparation, proper form and good hand skills – we must be talking about dentistry, right? Well, not quite: we’re talking about sports!

Sports and dentistry have more in common than you might think. If you’ve ever played high school or collegiate sports, you know that success on the field begins before the game even starts, with late-night practices, team huddles, proper coaching and of course, hard work. Similarly, as dental students, we know all too well how pre-clinical practice and adequate preparation before appointments are crucial components to being successful in clinic.

Typography in the dental office

typographyTimes New Roman. Helvetica. Comic Sans. Most of us are familiar with these fonts due to their prolific use in media we see daily. But, have you ever stopped to consider how font choice, size and style can impact your choices, especially in the context of a dental office?

Typography is defined as the style, arrangement or appearance of printed letters on a page. However, it encompasses more than just being able to change the color of letters or bolding important words. Read more about how typography applies to dentistry in today’s post!