The road to Most Improved Chapter

2015-2016The winner for Most Improved Chapter is……it’s this moment when every chapter president starts to hope  “this is my year. Maybe my chapter has made enough changes. Maybe our Gold Crown Award application was perfect this year. It has to be us!” These are the thoughts that start racing through your mind, the hope that this year your chapter will accomplish something special. Only one chapter can be awarded “Most Improved,” and in 2016 that chapter was Roseman ASDA (#RUASDA).

2016 nominees for best articles and blog post

writingEach year, ASDA members publish more than 100 articles in ASDA News, more than 50 articles in Mouth and at least 156 posts to this blog. That’s a lot of content. Behind the scenes of these publications is ASDA’s Editorial Board–eight dental students who dedicate their time to planning, writing and editing your ASDA publications. It’s thanks to them that you read about millennials, creative diagnosis, and lasers this past year. They are also the folks that bring you Life Hacks Week and “just for fun” posts here on the blog.

ASDA’s Editorial Board sifted through all the articles and blog posts of 2015 to narrow down nominees for three Gold Crown Awards: Best News Article, Best Feature Article and Best Blog Post. Criteria included relevance, originality, research and presentation. For blog posts, number of visits, social shares and Facebook likes were also weighed in the decision. Here are the nominees for the 2016 Gold Crown Awards for best articles and blog post…

Roseman University ASDA chapter wins Colgate recycling contest

Colgate bench RosemanThe ADA recommends replacing toothbrushes every 3-4 months or sooner due to fraying with use. The recommended amount of toothpaste per brushing is a pea-sized amount, or 0.25 g in more exact terms. Based on these numbers, an average 6 oz (170 g) toothpaste tube would be empty after 680 uses or 340 days if the person brushes twice a day. For a family of four, that would mean an empty toothpaste tube every 85 days.

What do you do with the old toothbrush and empty toothpaste tube? Instead of sending them to landfills, bring them to the dental school or dental hygiene clinic to recycle! That’s exactly what students and patients did at Roseman University College of Dental Medicine as a part of a pilot recycling program by Colgate.

And the 2015 Gold Crown Award nominees are …

ASDANews-Jan15-hero-webOn behalf of ASDA’s Editorial Board, I’d like to thank all the authors and bloggers who contributed to ASDA in 2014. Thank you for your time, your ideas and your contribution to the organization. It’s because of volunteers like you that we are able to build a knowledge-base for dental students in the U.S. And it’s because of you that ASDA News was found to be members’ favorite ASDA publication in a 2014 readership survey!

ASDA’s Editorial Board sifted through all the articles and blog posts of 2014 to narrow down nominees for three Gold Crown Awards: Best News Article, Best Feature Article and Best Blog Post. Criteria included relevance, originality, research and presentation. For blog posts, number of visits, social shares and Facebook likes were also weighed in the decision. Here are the nominees for the 2015 Gold Crown Awards for best articles and blog post …

Creative dental ads & PSAs that catch your attention

dental-commAwareness is the first step to prevention and treatment. Unfortunately for dentists, most people remain unaware of how their everyday habits are perpetuating critical dental conditions. As dental students, we should strive to bring awareness to combat diseases such as oral cancer, periodontal disease and even tooth loss. Recently there has been a push to inform the public by way of commercials or advertisement campaigns. Take a look below at three dental-related commercials that stress the importance of dental health. Many of our patients only come to us when the problem is fully developed. These service announcements will hopefully greatly impact how people approach their dental health.

One year later: lessons we learned about becoming auto-enroll

150132_3832698421233_1094973017_nAs ASDA leaders, we all want to convince our administrations to automatically enroll all students with an ASDA and ADA student membership from day one. This means students’ ASDA/ADA membership is paid for as part of tuition and fees or by the dental school rather than out of a students’ personal budget. The result is a student body that are all members and can participate in events, serve as chapter leaders and spend time planning events instead of recruiting students to join.