The psychology of gratitude

thank you messageThe daily life of a dental student is often about as jam packed as a crowded subway. Trying to juggle our academic, clinical and personal obligations is no easy task and at times, it can be overwhelming. However, to provide our patients with the best possible care, we must care for ourselves first. Believe it or not, one of the best ways to achieve this is by consciously practicing gratitude.

Keep reading to find out how…

The Best Blogs of Mouthing Off: The issues

Best-of-weekAs 2014 winds down, we are kicking off a new special feature all week long! We want to acknowledge all of the bloggers who have written for us over the past year. Mouthing Off posts at least three times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As of this week, we have published 161 posts in 2014! That is an impressive amount of effort and dedication from our bloggers, and the editors would not have been able to do it without them.

The Best of Mouthing Off will run all this week to highlight some of our most outstanding pieces of writing. Each and every blog was worth recognizing, but these are the top posts and you won’t want to miss them! Tune in all week to read the Best of Mouthing Off 2014. Read on for the Best of Mouthing Off: The issues…

How gratitude can help build your network

thank-youThank You. Danke. Merci. Gracias. Simple words, powerful words and a powerful concept. It is amazing how far a simple thing like saying thanks will get you. Have you ever found that you feel better when someone tells you thank you or expresses their gratitude for your work? I certainly have. It is an uplifting experience. Showing gratitude in any interaction leaves a positive impression on those with whom you have associated. As you participate and serve others you may not do so for recognition or reward, but you still feel a swell of good emotions when someone reaches out and notices you’re work and effort…